Non-sparking tools
German quality tools, as an agent for Endres-Tools. Safety Tools Allmet offers non-sparking tools. The Non-sparking tools are made of special alloys based on copper and bronze that do not form flammable sparks when you strike or rub the tool. The tools have been used worldwide since 1992: wrenches, ring wrenches, impact wrenches, and much, much more.
BAM certified↵
This certificate ensures that the materials we make our tools of are applicable in explosion-endangered zone 1 / 21 according to the European guideline 199/92/EG for all explosion groups defined under IEC 60079:2004 section 0. The scope of explosion-endangered zones was changed from Zone 0 / 20 to zone 1 / 21 according to TRBS 2152 section 3 attachment sentence (2).
Many different solutions
Maritime solutions, fire brigade solutions, machinist solutions, and custom-made solutions.
Contact us today, and we will put together a suitcase solution that suits your needs.
Explosion prevention ATEX = ATmosphere Explosible
ATEX 137 (118), also called guideline 99/2/EG, is responsible for the safety of persons at commissioning, operation, and attendance of explosive plants.
Corresponding ATEX 99/92/EC Endres Tools are to be used in Ex-Zones.
Since July 2003, only operating material, which conforms to this guideline, is allowed to be placed into circulation.
Application advice
Because of its application methods, non-sparking tools have to be softer than conventional tools. For this reason, the use of these tools has to be used with special care. Overstraining has to be avoided.
The use of non-sparking tools must not be the only preventive measurement in fire and explosion risk areas.
For overall protection of staff and equipping, please follow the instructions of your professional association.